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Toby’s Story


Unexpected and significant events can have a huge impact on us all, when Toby experienced a sudden death in his family, his communication, cognitive ability and life skills quickly regressed.
His life was in crisis, and regular self-Injurious behaviour and aggression resulted in physical interventions and a number of visits to hospital.

An Initial day placement at Swinderby Lower School saw rapid progress in his emotional, cognitive and social skills, and his concentration improved thanks to a sensory diet, occupational therapy and one to-one sessions. His parents also told us they were amazed at how much his reading improved.
But Toby was still struggling at home, so began a 38-week residential placement at Â鶹ÊÓƵ. He accepted the change very well as it was explained in the context of growing up and greater independence by using a social story developed by the Â鶹ÊÓƵ MDT. He quickly became enthusiastic about school asking when he was going back, and being able to verbalise his emotions much more freely.

Toby now displays minimal challenging behaviours, can self-regulate, makes himself snacks and generally does not require assistance with hygiene routines. The food he eats is much more varied, he regularly goes swimming and has developed a passion for Rebound Therapy.

He talks about himself much more freely and enjoys regular access to the community with his peers. He’s even suggested a career as a postman, which we think would be ideal as he has improved his self-confidence and is funny, friendly and endearing.

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